E-health record for patients with neurodegenerative diseases from BiHeLab
The Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology (BiHeLab) of the Department of Informatics, Ionian University of Greece has developed an e-medical file for neurological disorders which is accessible only by authorized users. The on- line application has the form of a personal e-medical record ,including all necessary data and information related to the health of the users profile. This innovative platform was developed within the cross-border project AdriHealthMob (in which BiHeLab is the unique partner specialized in management of neurological data from Greece). The project is aimed at developing a cross border model of sustainable and efficient transport services for the health and care sector, in order to improve the mobility of passengers (residents/tourists/users/patients) and to improve the accessibility to health and care services thanks to a more efficient and effective transport system. The patients will be able to check their medical history online through the introduction of personally controlled electronic health record, which will boost patient safety, improve health care delivery, and cut waste and duplication. The free app, which is already used in the area of the Adriatic, covering the need for safe care of patients with chronic neurological diseases and it is particularly easy to use and effective in cases where the patients are constantly moving. The on line system brings high security standards and it is a “smart tool” for a free automated diagnosis and monitoring of neurological disease progression from every corner of the globe. It is directly applicable without cost and that is a challenge for the Greek health system. The application was presented in Corfu last week during a workshop entitled: “International Workshop on Cross Fertilization & Dissemination” under AdriHealthMob project. The event was organized by InnoPolis- Innovation and Culture Center and the Bioinformatics Laboratory of Human and Electrophysiology (BiHeLab) Ionian University.